Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning


For the realization of one of USTP’s new administration’s 7-point agenda, specifically the “Yearn for Excellence in Teaching and Learning,” it is the aim of the center to be an enabling hub for achieving institutional goals, to manage and supervise the introduction and implementation of new pedagogies, and start building the innovative teaching and learning ecosystems to produce quality graduates that are not only educated to support and work in an industry/ company, but also educated to become innovative entrepreneurs, innovators and leaders.
citl ustp

CITL 4-point Agenda

CHALLENGE the teaching, problem-solving, and work paradigms to improvise or develop new strategies or approaches that are relevant enough to enhance students' learning or target users' experiences.

IMPROVE the effectiveness of existing curricula by periodically incorporating key strategies to keep their relevance abreast towards industry's needs and for continous improvement of instruction.

THRIVE in the field of the teaching profession embracing it as a very important role that requires enthusiasm, lifelong learning and a harmonious community of practice.

LEAD in the showcasing and sharing best practices in terms of teaching, learning, and other related activities promoting innovative endeavors that can motivate, persuade, and inspire the academic community and other relevant stakeholders.

Our Feature Calendar & Faculty Testimonial

Activities and Events

Seminar on the System-wide Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) 

The commitment to empowering faculty and enhancing academic programs is a crucial initiative for advancing progressive learning. In support of this, the Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning (CiTL) conducts specialized training for faculty members across various colleges within the University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines.

USTP System President's Message

The USTP System President, Dr. Ambrosio B. Cultura, II, welcomes you to our website. Play this video to see his full message.

Our Recent Activities in a Glimpse

Here are snapshots of our recently conducted activities.

Featured Article


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