New Faculty Resources

Faculty Onboarding and Career Upstart Seminar Online

Are you a newly hired faculty of USTP, and you're not sure how and where to start? The Faculty Onboarding and Career Upstart Seminar (FOCUS) Online is an EdApp online course on everything you need to know about the system. With FOCUS Online, you will learn about USTP's culture, employment, and some areas you can affiliate with for your career growth and professional development, apart from teaching. Particular topics of the online course will require you to submit workshop outputs. Once you have completed the course, CITL will provide you with an evaluation form that will generate your certificate of completion.
Download the Enrollment Guide first to read the instructions on enrolling in EdApp. Then click the 'Enroll in EdApp' button to start the enrollment process. Please note that the deadline for completing the course will be announced during the orientation at the beginning of every semester.

ELSEVIER ScienceDirect  Remote Access

One of the career paths in the university is RESEARCH, and what better way to start the journey than have a reliable source of all information on just one platform. USTP, as a premium state university, has access to ELSEVIER Science Direct Database. Research to your heart's content!
Download the guide first to follow the instructions on accessing the database.


Another online resource we can utilize for both teaching and research is ProQuest. The University Library is encouraging the utilization of this very helpful database.
To access the database, just click the link to button below the ProQuest logo to redirect you to the website, and copy the following information. 
Username: PQUSTPhilPassword: USTPpq#21

Wiley Online Library

Wiley Online Library is another great resource for published Journals, Reference Materials, and Books. To access this database, click the button below the logo to redirect you to the website, and copy the following information.
Username: EAL00000170035Password: Wiley12345


Embedding Narration, Subtitles & Lecturer's Video into PowerPoint Presentations Version 2003-2007

PART 1: Embedding Narration

PART 2: Embedding Subtitles

PART 3: Embedding Lecturer's Video 

Embedding Narration, Subtitles & Lecturer's Video into PowerPoint Presentations Version 2016 to Latest

PART 1: Embedding Narration 

PART 2: Embedding Subtitles

Part 3: Embedding Lecturer's Video

Elements of a Video Lecture

Creating Item Bank Using Google Form

CiTL Web Series on Course Syllabus & Creating the Course Module/Guide

Video 1: Why We Create a Syllabus

Video 2: Course & Faculty Information

Video 3: Course Description & Course Outcomes

Video 4: Course Outline

Video 5: Course Requirements, Readings, Materials & Approval

Creating the Course Module/Guide