CEA, USTP-CDO Revisit the Way They Mark Their Students' Performances

The College of Engineering and Architecture ( CEA) of USTP-CDO revisited the way they mark students' performances in a webinar by CiTL last March 17, 2021 via Zoom. CEA faculty members remained invigorated during the webinar as Engr Rojien Morcilla and Engr Lloyd Jhon Estampa discussed the Overview of the concepts of Grading Students’ Performance, University Grading Policy & Revised Policy of Flexible Learning Performance Innovative Tasks (PITs) includes alignment to Cos and POs etc. and Using the scoring rubrics for making PITs and Exams.

Engr. Rojien Morcilla talked about the Performance Innovative Task and Class Performance Activities for the College of Engineering and Architecture Part-time and Contract of Service faculty members last March 17, 2021.

Engr. Lloyd Jhon Estampa talked about the grading system of Students' Performance.

Furthermore, during the webinar the faculty-participants' were able to re-evaluate how they created PIT and rubrics for assessments, and were clarified on certain processes related to assessment.

Dr. Leonel Pabilona, CEA Dean, gave his closing remarks for this webinar.

The CiTL team together with the Part-Time, CoS and Temporary faculty members of CEA have their virtual pictorial as making this webinar a heartfelt learning experience in this flexible learning.