Conceive. Design. Implement. Operate: A Teaching Learning Program

CiTL reintroduces the Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate (CDIO) framework to USTP-CDO Faculty members last March 18-19, 25-26, & 29, 2021. Twenty-five select faculty participated in the Advancing CDIO Training where they revisited the CDIO framework, academic programs and curricula and participated in various asynchronous workshop sessions. Aside from the workshops, the faculty members gave their reflections and insights on the important learning they have from the previous talks and discussions.

CDIO Framework guides the faculty members as they ensure that students have a venue for hands-on experience which is a vital foundation for learning. In this framework, instructors find strategies in which students experience the concrete and apply it in the abstract- that is active and hands-on learning. Moreover, CDIO helps teachers ensure that the students practice innovative problem formulation and solution.

During the training, the faculty-participants presented output which showed CDIO-compliant approaches and strategies which they can employ in their programs. CDIO Master Trainers Engr Rojien Morcilla, Engr Lloyd Jhon Estampa, and Engr Aileen Sieras, facilitated the whole training.

Engr. Aileen Sieras discussed the Flipped Classroom during the 3rd day of Advancing CDIO for CDO Campus

CDIO CDO Participants together with the Master Trainers and facilitators shared their thoughts and congratulatory message for completing the 5-day Advancing CDIO

Participants who showed exemplary performance during the training were :Ms Nestle Bacatan(COT), Ms Petal May Dal (CITC), Vera Karla Caingles, PhD (CEA), Engr. Rosalie Vertudes (CEA), Ar. William Harvey Evangelista (CEA), Engr. Jasper Jementiza (CEA), John Robert Guerrerro, PhD (CSM), Mr. Julian Apalisok (CSTE), Mr. Arnel Travero (CSTE), and Nesteve Agosto( CSM). They are the prime movers of the CDIO from USTP-CDO Campus and will move forward to the mentoring sessions.

Written by: Leah Tabosares